//requireed files include_once get_template_directory()."/includes/helpers.php"; define('BUNYAD_THEME_VERSION', '10.2.1'); // Already initialized - some buggy plugin call? if (class_exists('Bunyad_Core')) { return; } /** * Initialize Framework * * Include the Bunyad_Base and extend it using our theme-specific class. */ require_once get_theme_file_path('lib/bunyad.php'); require_once get_theme_file_path('inc/bunyad.php'); /** * Main Theme File: Contains most theme-related functionality * * See file: inc/theme.php */ require_once get_theme_file_path('inc/theme.php'); // Fire up the theme - make available in Bunyad::get('theme') Bunyad::register('theme', [ 'class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_SmartMag', 'init' => true ]); // Legacy compat: Alias Bunyad::register('smart_mag', ['object' => Bunyad::get('theme')]); /** * Main Framework Configuration */ $bunyad = Bunyad::core()->init(apply_filters('bunyad_init_config', [ // Due to legacy compatibility, it's named smartmag without dash. 'theme_name' => 'smartmag', // For retrieving meta values from core plugin. 'meta_prefix' => '_bunyad', // Legacy compat. 'theme_version' => BUNYAD_THEME_VERSION, // Widgets enabled. 'post_formats' => ['gallery', 'image', 'video', 'audio'], // Sphere Core plugin components 'sphere_components' => [ 'social-follow', 'breadcrumbs', 'auto-load-post', 'adblock-detect', 'elementor\layouts', 'elementor\dynamic-tags' ], 'customizer' => [ 'font_aliases' => true ], 'add_sidebar_class' => false, ])); Comments on: “Someone Has to Pay for This! – There Will Be Retribution!” – Aunt of J6er Matt Perna Who Committed Suicide After Evil Biden Regime Slapped 1512(c) Charge on Him Reacts to SCOTUS Decision | The Gateway Pundit https://worthyhacks.com/someone-has-to-pay-for-this-there-will-be-retribution-aunt-of-j6er-matt-perna-who-committed-suicide-after-evil-biden-regime-slapped-1512c-charge-on-him-reacts-to-scotus-decision-the-gatewa/ Explore Worthy News Thu, 04 Jul 2024 14:16:03 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2